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Be A WINner with the best promotional models & staff in the region!

WIN Promotional Models & Staff

WIN PROMOTIONS USA is the premiere model placement firm based out of the Atlantic City market. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, WIN can effectively and reliably staff your event with the areas most enthusiastic, professional, and attractive freelance team.  Our models and staff (WINners) are equipped to help you in various capacities, from convention crowd gathering, to lead generation, to food sampling, bartending, party support, ticket takers, ushers, security and more. No job is too small!

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WIN Models

WIN models generate leads, increase your visibility, support booth management, and greet prospective clients while engaging them in general product information.  Our models also know how to work the crowd in bar scenes or large gala events.  No matter what the venue or event need, we are confident that our models will effectively represent your organization.


Booth Models

Convention Models

Trade Show Models

Convention Staffing

Promo Girls

Temp Booth Staffing

Product Demonstrators

Street Teams, Greeters

Corporate Events




General Help

We also provide event planning services on a per event basis. Contact us for more details.


Thank you for getting in touch, our team will reach out shortly!

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