The Kaleb and Kayla show release new single A,B,C Dance On presented by Hit Nation Empire. The children's educational single features the multifaceted IamYoungHitta who is also the father to Kaleb and Kayla. The track was produced by Daniel El, Kaleb Wyman p/k/a Jalottiiee, and I am Young Hitta. The catchy single will be sure to aid you in helping your children memorize their A,B,C’s with ease. A,B,C Dance On can be found on all platforms internationally and is distributed by Hit Nation Empire and Sony Entertainment Distribution. The Educational Single is available in 248 Countries and 192 Stores internationally.

Kaleb and Kayla made their grand appearance in to the FM Radio world along side of their father Kyshawn "IamYoungHitta" Wyman Sunday, May 9th, 2022 on air with DJ Able & Nasan Truth with the Soul Revival Show on 91.7 FM WLFR.
As per social media blast from IamYoungHitta, The Kaleb and Kayla show is looking for kids age(s) 9 or younger to create a Tik Tok challenge to their single. The instructions to enter the A,B,C Dance On challenge brought to you by Hit Nation Empire are as follows:
Submit By Uploading Your Dance To Tik ToK using ABC Dance on by The Kaleb and Kayla Show FT I am Young Hitta and Registering Here: https://hitnationempire.com/contests/the-kaleb-and-kayla-show-are-hosting-a-tik-tok-contest-winner-wins-prizes-5
The Winner Gets The Following:
Feature in The Official Music Video
A Day with Kaleb and Kayla at The Lucky Snake Arcade Showboat Hotel Atlantic City,NJ
A Day with Kaleb and Kayla at Get Air Mays Landing , NJ
Video Footage and Signed Printed and Frame Photo with Kaleb and Kayla”
Follow The Kaleb and Kayla Show on Social Media & Subscribe To Their Youtube Channel:
Don’t miss The Kaleb and Kayla show's new single A,B,C Dance On featuring IamYoungHitta in rotation on Hit Nation Empire Radio
