1. I was afraid of dogs growing up, so we had no pets. When I started dating my husband he adopted a dog, even though I begged him not to, but within 24 hours I was smitten. Since then we’ve had 6 rescue dogs, and currently have 2 rescue pitbulls Jake and Lilly. I’ve sat on various boards, and did fundraising, volunteering and advocacy for many rescue organizations.

2. I always hated exercise, and was inconsistent, but several years ago I took up boxing and now i'm crazy about it. They say it's important to find something you love, so I realized that it is less about burning a certain amount of calories, and more about the overall health and mental benefits. So basically, I love starting my day hitting things!
3. I had a near death accident in 2008, and ultimately left my career as a litigator with very serious physical and mental injuries including a brain injury. I vowed to do public speaking again, and set a goal of doing a TEDx talk. After years of being rejected, I finally secured a talk that was scheduled the same week the country shut down in March. Instead of delivering it on a big stage at the University of Arkansas as I had planned, I rented a small studio in the Philly area and gave it in an empty room during the pandemic.

I hope you will check it out: https://www.ted.com/talks/jennifer_lynn_robinson_from_fighting_for_breath_to_fighting_for_life
4. I am obsessed with La Colombe draft iced coffee (my favorite is vanilla) and cannot function without one in the morning. They have been on auto delivery during these last months as we all have been working from home.
5. I love to travel and really miss international travel so much right now. My mother’s family is from Morocco, so that has definitely been one of my favorite places to visit. Other amazing highlights have been Hong Kong and London.

I love being out and about in Philly and at the shore and miss all the dressing up and networking.
I look forward to working with The City Pulse! If you have an idea for a story you would like me to consider please reach out jennifer@purposefulnetworking.com.