I’ve been traveling a lot lately and collecting experiences to share from Florida, Virginia, and Vegas to Haiti and the Dominican Republic over the last few months… I'm excited to share about one of my recent experiences at Blackout Dining in Dark in Las Vegas, NV.
I recently shared my experience on the Travel Thursdays section of my new blog, The Dailey Bailey, where you can read about travel and food, motherhood and womanhood, personal growth, mental health and healing, and so much more.
For the sake of this post and platform, though, let's talk BLACKOUT DINING!
This 7-course, plant-based, mouth-watering meal was an experience I will never forget. The service, food, and ambiance were all top tier, and the cocktails were off-the-charts delicious. I have a little story to share about who I went with & how divine and synchronistic it all was….
But before we get into that, here’s what I ate:
Course 1:

Course 2:

Course 3, 4, and 5:

Course 6 & 7:

Yes….we ate in complete darkness.
Let me back up, though.
When I was a freshman in college, I made this really incredible friend who deserves a food post of her own because she introduced me to my favorite cuisine: Ethiopian food. She is ALSO one of The Coolest People in the World doing the damn thing as a female pilot!
Beth was studying in America from Ethiopia in 2006, and we became fast friends. It had been 18 years since I’d seen her, though we stayed in touch briefly via the internet. The world-traveler that she just so happened to be touched down at her current home in Vegas while we were there - and of all the places either of us could be that weekend, we got to break bread, swim in the pool, and spend long overdue hours hugging, laughing, and crying - like we never missed a beat.
Long story short, her and her man had reservations at Blackout Dining and invited us along…. Somehow, the kids made plans of their own, and we had a child-free night to eat in the dark.
Upon arrival, we were asked to place our phones and belongings in a locker outside of the dining room and then select our preferred cocktail from a menu.
I had something pear-infused. I don’t remember what it was called, and I can’t show you a picture because I drank it in the DARK!
Then, we were led into a room where our eyes were adjusted to the darkness. Our server, who wore night-vision goggles, gave us the run down and asked us to hold onto each other’s shoulders as she guided us through the pitch black dining room.
When we arrived at our chairs, she told us all to stand still as she individually guided our bodies into the chair then pointed out where our place setting was in front of us.
My eyes were WIDE OPEN and I couldn’t see a single thing.
I wasn’t sure if I should close them .. or if maybe they’d adjust (they didn’t) … or what I should do with my hand gestures and facial expressions…. it all felt irrelevant. The only things I could focus on were the hearts and voices of the people at the table with me and the delicious food I was about to enjoy.
It was such an interesting sensory experience.
Drinks were delivered, and we found a way to toast each other in the dark before the courses began ….
As each course came, the server would explain whether it was finger food or required silverware (if it did, she would verbally guide us to the location of the utensil.) Then, the four of us would chat about what we thought it was, what the sauces tasted like, and what kind of mess we THINK we just made.
When dessert came, the waitress put it down and simply said, “You guys are pros now… you know what to do.” and we were left to figure it out on our own.
To my surprise, food was all over the table, and I found myself fumbling around the table to figure out what was what and how the hell to get it in my mouth.
Turns out, the mess on the table I made from the course before. Ha
After we were led back out into the light, the ladies were given a rose to top off the evening and shown the menu of what we just ate. We were forbidden to take pictures of the menu though, so you’ll just have to go experience it for yourself!!
If you’re open to adventure and looking for an unforgettable experience off the strip in Las Vegas, I highly recommend BLACKOUT Dining in the Dark
I’d go as far as to say - yeah, I’d do it again!
xo Krystle
Check out more of my writing at The Dailey Bailey:
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