#ohheyyy are you looking to network with peers in the casino blogging industry? Well save the date of May 5th - which is not hard to remember since it's also Cinco de Mayo - as the infamous Slot Squad will host their annual meet & greet at Resorts Casino in Atlantic City. It's a fun filled day with opportunities to explore the casino, watch them live stream, do karaoke and more, so check out the itinerary below👇:
Sunday May 5th, 2024
11:00 AM -12:00 PM - Meet and Greet
Welcome all attendees to the meet up
Introduce the Slot Squad members
Hand out swag bags
Networking with other fans and influencers
12:30 PM - Cinco de Mayo Lunch at Margaritaville
1:00 PM- 4:00 PM - Live Streams
Opportunity for attendees to explore the casino.
Live streaming from the casino floor continues on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitch.
1:00pm -2:00pm Twila Vorti
2:00pm -3:00pm Elli / Nik
3:00pm -4:00pm Tiff / Hoagie
12:00pm - 4:00 PM - Slot Tournament Hosted by Resorts Casino
Must be a stars card member to play.
Each member of the team will host for one hour
12:00pm -1:00pm - Elliface
1:00pm -2:00pm - Hoagie
2:00pm -3:00pm - Tiff
3:00pm -4:00pm - Twila / Vorti
5:30 group picture of all attendees
6:00 PM - Live SLOT PULL
A slot pull is a group activity where participants each contribute money towards playing a slot machine with the goal of hitting a big jackpot.
7:00 PM - Phillies / SF Giants PRIVATE Game Party at Draft Kings Lounge
Watch the Phillies game with the Slot Squad
9:00 PM - karaoke - Dance and Fun at the Summer Pop-Up Bar
Quick note: If you're an influencer who wants to attend, please know that you will need permission to shoot video on the casino floor, and all general rules apply. However it will be a great networking opportunity, so we hope to see you!
Any questions contact Anthony eatahoagie@yahoo.com